HRS Control
Web Design
HRS Control is one of the coolest companies we’ve been able to design for. Their products speak for themselves, however, their previous website and print materials didn’t match their personal and professional presence.
Utilizing appropriate visual elements combined with clear content, Warner Digital Media created a website to inform customers and create awareness of their current projects. We integrated these same principles in their current print products.
Detroit Sports Broadcasters Association
Web Design
The Detroit Sports Broadcasters Association was looking for a way to display their content efficiently with an objective to attract new members and keep the current members informed.
We attained this goal by implementing a custom content management system so content changes were effortless to execute. The design was inspired by the obvious passion shared by all the members – sports! Taking this into account, we designed a website that was built to fit their needs.
Buzz Click Photography
Web Design
Spike, from Mojo in the Morning, was looking for an easy way to showcase his other passion – photography. His website wasn’t meeting his expectations of easy navigation through the site and the cool factor he desired.
Once in our hands, we worked closely with Spike to develop and craft a gorgeous website that is easy to navigate while being straight to the point. We implemented a content management system to give him the ability to update his photography remotely and fulfill orders through his ecommerce store, which we created and set up for his use.